Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Just a quick update: Easter dinner was Fabulous and not over the top. We ate dinner followed by clean up from the girls and an outrageous game of duck hunt from the boys. Then we all played a crazy game of Topple (so fun) and ate angle food cake with strawberries (made by yours truly- and oh so good).

Will post more later!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Sitting in my office today, I overheard one of my colleagues say to another “Over the top does not exist” and I thought what a perfect blog topic. As the Easter holiday quickly approaches (I'll make the connection with over the top and Easter soon) I was meaning to ask all of you out there (who ever you may be) about my Easter Dinner Situation. This is the first year that I will be making Easter Dinner. Normally for this holiday I would have gone to my grandparents house, or my parents but since I live 8 hours away from any of my family members, I am forced to stay here over the holiday and have Easter at my house.
The Dilemma: How much is too much?
We will be hosting at least 4 other people (plus ourselves) and possibly more who have not yet RSVP’d, and I’m supposed to cook for them all! I have so much on the menu that I think I’ll make too much and be stuck with a boat load of leftovers. Not to mention the prep time that I’ll have to put into all the cooking. On top of all that I have the dreaded TURKEY to worry about. I’ve never, and I mean never cooked a turkey in my life! What if it’s horrible… the whole meal will be ruined.
That’s where you come in. I am asking for your comments, concerns, or stories of turkey’s gone bad and gone good. I have looked up a recipe and think I have the perfect “taste-alizing” combo. Let me know what you think.

So, how much is too much- when it come to Easter Dinner? If it’s just going to be us and 4 close friends, then why all the fuss, I don’t really need to decorate do I? Should we dye eggs and place them all around for everyone to see? Should I provide tiny Easter baskets as a parting gift for my friends? Should everything be in Pastel? After some research I have found many ideas that I think would go off well and would like a second, third and even fourth opinion and some advice on it all.

First there is egg dying... Now I may not be a kid anymore, but I still love this tradition. Here is a twist on a timeless family activity: Using empty Egg Shells.


These eggs look fabulous, just not certain how mine would turn out if I attempted this.

Then there is also the decorations/flowers/place settings. I found this wonderful blog titled: Attractive Home Design for less (http://attractivehomedesignforless.blogspot.com/) that also has some wonderful ideas.

How cute are these little flowers? I think this would make an excellent and subtle touch to the table. Now if I can only figure out the rest of my Easter dinner plans.

So tell me: Does ‘Over the Top’ really not exist? And how much is ‘TOO MUCH’?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Honey Line

Last summer while home and looking for a job, I was watching the Rachael Ray show one morning and saw an inspiring segment. Rachael had invited Gabrielle Reece onto the show to discuss her "honeyline." What is a honeyline you might be asking. Well a honey line is:
a "community and support." Gabby goes on to tell us that "If you plug into three or four great friends, they're like the bees on the honey line. You can always get to the honey, and I think all women really survive on this notion of a honey line because if you have three really great friends you can get some serious stuff done."

One of the main people in my honeyline is Jenna. We have been through a lot together over the years and somehow even living across the country from each other, our friendship has survived and grown stronger. Anytime one of us has a problem we call on the other for advice, help, a sholder to cry on, a hand to hold, or just someone to laugh with.

We want to share that with you now. We are expanding our honeyline to include all of you and would like to help you with any questions about Fashion, Celebrity News, Cooking, Being Yourself and any other Advice you may need. Please feel free to ask us any and all questions you have, and we will respond to you quickly as you now belong to our honeyline.

Come join us friends, and let the fun begin!